Devlog starting

I thought it would be good to start posting updates as I work towards a full release.

Mostly I have never created a game before so I am most likely learning and recreating the wheel for alot of this. Before going too deep on specific features as this is a first update on this devlog I will give some background. 

SuperHero Training is a minigame inside is AR platform for fitness through our superhero training camps. These minigames are the keyboard and mouse versions of the games you can play with your body against friends and opponents. In particular this coach potato superhero training is hopefully to be updated with all the different training games. Along with more minigames to be released as we figure out the UX better. 

Let's get further into the details on this particular minigame. 

I had two important platform features and a number of general minigame features from the work this week. 

This Week Mini Game Shooting Range:

- Standard Sprite Implementation for Event Based Motion and Collision Detection

- Dynamic Keyboard Movement 

- Mouse Based Shooting 

Next Week:

- Basic Enemies for Shooting Range


- Alpha App Testing

Platform Features:

- Sprite Compartmentalization - I'd like the sprites to be downloadable and interchangeable to be used in multiple games and projects. 

- Gesture Recognition for Body movement

As some will wonder or ask about platforms and technologies:



Machine Learning - TensorflowJS

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